Thursday, 7 June 2012

Vierwaldstätter See is closely linked to the story of Wilhelm Tell, this Swiss national hero and founder of the country. And so are the "Zwei Mythen", the twin mountains above Urner See, which is an arm of Vierwaldstätter See, the part of the lake where the bad Habsburger Gessler found his death. Never try to take over Switzerland, be warned! Legend has it that Tell, who was to be transported to some dungeon in Küssnacht on a boat was released from his chains to help in a storm seeing he was a strong man and experienced with boats. But instand of helping the evil lot, he jumped to shore and then kicked the boat off into the lake. Gessler and his gang were then done in by the famous "Urner Fön", a very strong wind that starts just at the beginning of Urner See.

1 comment:

  1. Ciao Fiona
    tranquilla ......... ti stiamo seguendo.
    Stai vivendo una fantastica avventura.

