Wednesday, 27 June 2012

This is a wonderful view of Rheinwaldhorn, the mountain I had first planned to climb and later to walk round to get to Hinterrhein via Läntahütte and Zapporthütte. But that is not possible. And now things are sorted. For now. I suppose there is a deeper meaning to things not going entirely as I had planned. And I am happy with the way everything is evolving. It makes me even more "open" for what is to happen and in the end things just fall into place. After using the Internet and making some calls and with advice from Aaron I now have a new plan (let's see how long this one lasts). Tomorrow I will not walk to Dötra as I had planned, but to Lukmanierpass, where I will take a bus and eventually arrive at Vals. The next day I will walk to Turrahus over the Tomülpass, then climb Safienberg on the way to Splügen, and on Sunday I will get on a bus and train to Maloja. I need to change at St. Moritz where I will meet Maurizio and maybe marry a rich Russian in a fur coat.


  1. Und dann schlägst Du Deine Hausangestellten und wirfst mit Telefonen nach Ihnen...?

  2. Auch eine schöne Route, schau' ich mir gleich mal auf der Karte an...für "Moritz" solltest du auf jeden Fall Zeit einplanen, wegen der Option auf die Fortsetzung der Reise mit einem SUV und einer Pelzdecke auf den Knien...;-))
    Salutoni Caro
