Friday, 8 June 2012

Dear friends and family, my walk in the ViaGottardo has come to an abrupt halt. No walking for me for at least two weeks in the best case. I tripped and hurt my ankle last night and it is not just a sprained ankle as I had hoped. Most likely I have torn a ligament and it didn't even happen when walking, but on my way to bed in the dorm. It's embarassing, I know. I went down in the cable car this morning and my helpful host from the Eggberge took me to the hospital in Altdorf. They were most friendly and efficient and diagnosed me with a, most probably, torn ligament. I have a hard-case bandage on my foot now and can walk half way decently, but no hiking for a while. I suppose there's a reason so I try not to be too unhappy. this is what my youngest niece lilly said when she heard: that's so stupid it's funny. I have plenty of time and besides, it's raining and raining and I'm sure the rest of the way was mostly on tarmac as well. Meanwhile I am at the house of Arturo, my friend and president of the alpine club that owns the Soveltra hut. Tomorrow I will go up to Soveltra in the helicopter and be there two weeks instead of the planned one week. The doctor at the Kantonspital Altdorf told me to rest the foot for a few days and then I could slowly start walking again. We will see.


  1. Fiona, das ist ja wirklich ärgerlich! Was für ein Pech! Ich drück' Dir ganz fest die Daumen, dass Du bald wieder laufen kannst. Liebe Grüße, Anja

  2. Was machst Du schon wieder für Sachen... Gute Besserung!!! Wenn die Sonne scheint, geht's weiter :-)
