Sunday, 29 July 2012

Baggy, Olaf and Paul (their real names are Bernd, Olga and Paula) wanted to come up on Saturday but they didn't. Thunderstorms were the problem. They lasted almost all day. So they stayed at San Carlo and came up today. While waiting for my dear friends I baked a cake, cleaned etc. Then - surprise - Maurizio showed up. The mad man left at five in the morning and walked all the way up to Pian di Crest only to stay a few hours (and give me my scheda telefonica italiana). He had to go back home the same day. Very nice surprise, a pity he couldn't stay.

Then the Cologne lot arrived. There was much rejoicing. We were alone here today, so there was even time to play Doppelkopf (yeah!). Then dinner and more Doppelkopf. My second day at beautiful Pian di Crest, the phots show the hut, from far away and a close-up.

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