Friday, 20 July 2012

Dear readers, it is time to say good-bye for a while, because from tomorrow on I will once again enter the non-Internet world. I will be working at Soveltra for a week, maybe less, we will see, then a week at Pian di Crest.

Today I slept until eight thirty, a real change. The medication I am taking is starting to take effect and I am feeling a lot better. I helped Emanuela with the shopping and cooked for the Rothen family in the evening. Shopping for Soveltra is no easy task, especially now that there are a lot of reservations. It took all afternoon to shop and load the small lorry. And tomorrow we have to pick up the bread and meat before driving up to Schied, where the helicopter arrives to pick up us and the merchandise.

It is time to go to bed. And say good-bye, but as a treat here is a photo of "il presidente" Arturo, practising his guitar for tomorrow, he often sings at weddings or other festivities. He is the soul of the alpine club SAV and its huts Soveltra, Pian di Crest and Fiorasca.

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