Sunday, 23 September 2012

I had breakfast with Gerhard and Wolfgang, said good-bye and then left for Sambuco. I hadn't planned to go to Sambuco, but to Ferrere instead. Contrary to what the GTA guide I have says there is accomodation at Ferrere. Meaning that you can do two short days from Pontebernardo to rifugio Talarico instead of an eight-hour trek. Only that Talarico is closed and rifugio Zanotti as well. And I have bene told that also the winter room at Zanotti is closed. Apparently there is another path directly to rifugio Migliorero which is still open, so I decided to go to Sambuco instead of staying another night at Pontebernardo to see something new. I can take a bus back up. And it is unclear what the weather will be like, today there was fog and a hazy sky, still it was warm and didn't rain.

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