Thursday, 31 May 2012

We went to the starting point of the ViaGottardo today, right infront of the station.

Then we walked a tiny bit of the first day's march after a stroll through the pretty city centre. Tomorrow will be the first actual walking day, but instead of sleeping in a hotel I will return to the house of my perfect hosts in the evening, the exquisite "Hotel Roberta & Karl", who have humbled me greatly by their incredible hospitality. Roberta will walk with me and Karl will pick us up in the evening. All is well in Basle. I even have a Swiss prepaid card for my smartphone now. Terribly expensive as expected, but it can't be helped.

The first signs! Number 7 is the ViaGottardo.


  1. Alles Gute auf Deinem Weg wünschen Dir Martina und Peter.

  2. Fiona. Schön, dass Du Dich wieder mit Deinem Smartphone verstehst. Das wird der Anfang einer wunderbaren Freundschaft. Schöne Grüße, auch nochmal von Frau Hack.

  3. Auch aus der Baby-WG eine gute Reise, wir 3 verfolgen gespannt deine Tour :-) Grüße auch an Smartie
