Monday, 4 March 2013


Walking towards Sillberghaus, a nice view of "Großer Traithen". I went to Sillberghaus today, to get out and visit my colleagues there. I already know the managers Helga and Maxi, today I also met Norbert and Anja, who work there. We had dinner on the terrace in the sun and I helped them shovel some of the heaps of snow from the tables and benches outside.

That is our defender at Almbad Huberspitz. We use it to go shopping, take away all of the rubbish and shuttle visitors and their luggage. The staff also uses it to get up and down to work in the winter, when it is almost the only car able to get up and down. It has chains all through the winter. It takes a while to get used to driving it in deep snow and ice, but it's fun in the end. I drove down to Hausham station with the defender today, where I met Peter, who took me to the parking place outside Bayrischzell where the path to Sillberghaus starts. I walked and took Birsch with me. It was a nice walk in splendid weather.

Sillberghaus in the sun. A beautiful place with a cosy open fire and nice views of the mountains.

And these are the Sillberghaus cats, Bene...

and Blume in their favourite places...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fiona, schön, wieder von dir zu hören! Kann mir vorstellen, wo du warst...wir fahren in den letzten Jahren immer zum Skifahren ins Sudelfeld und sind auf der Walleralm untergebracht. Der Große Traithen ist quasi der Hausberg...Salutoni, a presto Caro
