Sunday, 26 January 2025

Then it was coast path walking, steep ups and downs from one bay to the next. Lovely path with stunning views over the sea. The last stretch before getting back to our hotel.

Monday, 23 December 2024

Our breakfast this morning. We arrived in Cirali after a long day of travelling. My friend Elfride from Switzerland, myself from Berlin. We met at Antalya airport, where a driver waited to take us to our first destination Cirali. It was dark when we arrived at Plaj Hotel, where we would be staying three nights. Today was our first day of walking the Lycian Way, after a lovely breakfast from our very friendly hosts.

The flames withstand even the heaviest of rains. Arrived at the entrance we paid our entrance Fee and sought rifuge from the downpour in a tent wit a very friendly dog and a tomcat. It was another hour's walk in the rain to our - very simple - hotel. There we dried our soaked gear at a wood burner in the dining room.
Fiona Bartholomew
Zeppelinstr. 98
13583 Berlin

0176 87792439

We were dropped close to Ulupar, where we started our walk. In the pouring rain. We are probably the only ones daft enough to walk the Lycian Way - or better parts of it - at this time of the year. We walked past orange plantations nestled between rocky hills and pretty forests. Down to a small stream we crossed over stones.

Before dinner - which was delicious (soup, avocado, Turkish radish, salad, runner beans in sauce with bulgur and bread) we strolled down to beach for a short walk. 

Sunrise this morning across the street towards the beach. The weather a total contrast to yesterday. After breakfast we were taken to our starting point. Down to a small stream, upwards crawling under and climbing over loads of dead trees and passing many men with rifles watching sheep. One typed something into Google translate: many dangerous wolves. Onwards, upwards and then a stunning view.

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Our last day of walking ended at a very pretty and somewhat alternative bar where we had our final poncha. Tomorrow we will all part ways and travel to our individual destinations. Saying goodbye to beautiful walks on a fascinating island.